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Dr. N. Snape

nealsnape AT

tel:  +81 (270)-65-8511 ext.538


Current position:

Professor at Gunma Prefectural Women's University / Chuo University



Selected Publications

Books/edited volumes

Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2024): Epistemological issue: The importance of features and exponents: Dissolving Feature Reassembly. (eds.) C. Flores and N. Snape.


Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2023): The dynamics of bilingualism in language shift ecologies. (eds.) C. Flores and N. Snape.


Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2022): Bilingual language development in autism. (eds.) C. Flores and N. Snape.


Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2021): Sources of knowledge in L3 acquisition. (eds.) C. Flores and N. Snape.


Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2019): Prosodic effects on L2 grammars. (eds.) C. Flores and N. Snape.


Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Epistemological issue (2018): A formalist perspective on language acquisition. (eds.) H. Hopp and N. Snape.


Conference Proceedings of PacSLRF 2016. Edited by Hirakawa, M., J. Matthews, K. Otaki, N. Snape and M. Umeda.


Snape, N. and T. Kupisch (2016). Second Language Acquisition: Second Language Systems. Croydon, UK. Bloomsbury Publishing. (click here for an English flyer and here for Japanese)


Snape, N, Y-k. I. Leung and M. Sharwood-Smith (2009). Representational Deficits in SLA. Studies in honor of Roger Hawkins. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (click here for flyer)


Snape, N. (2008). The acquisition of the English determiner phrase by L2 learners: Japanese and Spanish. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag. Available at


Chapters in edited volumes

Snape, N., M. Umeda and H. Hosoi. (to appear). L2 acquisition of English flexible count and flexible mass nouns by L1-Japanese and L1-Spanish speakers. In A. Dahl, M. Velnić and K. F. Listhaug (eds.). Current Perspectives on Generative SLA - Processing, Influence, and Interfaces. Selected proceedings of the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference, [LALD 70].

Kupisch, T. and N. Snape. (2024). Articles: Genericity. In T. Ionin, S. Montrul, and R. Slabakova (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax and Semantics, (pp. 195-209), Routledge.

Snape, N. (2023). 揺らぎ仮説 (The Fluctuation Hypothesis) and a summary of R. Hawkins and C. Y. H. Chan (1997) “The Partial Availability of UG in SLA: The Failed Functional Features Hypothesis.” In N. Yusa, M. Koizumi, T. Nomura, K. Masutomi (eds.), 言 語理論・言語獲得理論から見たキータームと名著解題 [Key terms and commentary on well-known books from the perspective of language theory and language acquisition theory], (pp. 106-107: pp. 202-204), Kaitakusha Publisher.

Snape, N. (2023). 第二言語習得に5おける冠詞の習得 - 明示的知識と暗示的知識 [Acquisition of articles in second language acquisition: Explicit and implicit knowledge]. In A. Otaki, K. Suda, Y. Nakagawa and H. Yokota (eds.), 第二言語習得研究の科学 3 - 人間の能力. (pp. 83-101), Kurosio Publishers.

Snape, N. (2022). Suppliance of functional morphology by L1 Chinese L2 English speakers: The Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis and pedagogical implications. In Chan, M., Benati, A. (eds). Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners in L2 acquisition: Problems and Solutions from complementary perspectives, (pp. 285-304), New York: Springer.

Flores, C. and N. Snape. (2021). Language attrition and heritage language reversal in returnees. In S. Montrul and M. Polinsky, (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics, (pp. 351-372), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Snape, N. (2020). Post-instruction processing of generics in English by Japanese L2 learners. In A. Trotzke and T. Kupisch (eds.), Formal Linguistics and Language Education: New Empirical Perspectives, (pp. 155-178), Switzerland: Springer.

Snape, N. (2017). 日本人英語学習者による冠詞の習得:概説 [The acquisition of articles by L2 learners of English: An overview]. In T. Shirahata and K. Suda (eds.), 第二言語習得研究モノグラフシリーズ 1 名詞句と音 声・音韻の習得, (pp. 1-26), Kurosio Publishers.

Snape, N. and S. Sekigami. (2016). Japanese L2 speakers’ acquisition of the English definiteness effect. In S. Fischer, T. Kupisch and E. Rinke (eds.), Definiteness Effects: Bilingual, Typological and Diachronic Variation, (pp. 424-446), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press/CSP.

Kupisch, T., N. Snape and I. Stangen. (2013). Foreign language acquisition in heritage speakers: The acquisition of articles in L3-English by German-Turkish bilinguals. In J. Duarte and I. Gogolin (eds.), Linguistic Superdiversity in Urban Areas. Research Approaches, (pp. 99-122). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snape, N. and N. Yusa. (2013). Explicit article instruction in definiteness, specificity, genericity and perception. In M. Whong, K-h. Gil and H. Marsden (eds.), Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom, (pp. 161-183). Dordrecht: Springer.

Kupisch, T, M. Anderssen, U. Bohnacker and N. Snape. (2009). Article acquisition in English, German, Norwegian and Swedish. In R. W. Leow, H. Campos and D. Lardiere (eds.), Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2007 Proceedings, (pp. 223-235). Washington: Georgetown University Press.

Snape, N. (2009). Exploring Mandarin Chinese speakers’ L2 article use. In N. Snape, Y.-k. I. Leung and M. Sharwood Smith (eds.), Representational Deficits in SLA: Studies in Honor of Roger Hawkins, (pp. 27-51). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snape, N. (2006). L2 acquisition of definiteness and specificity in English by advanced Japanese and Spanish learners.  In A. Belletti, E. Bennati, C. Chesi, E. Di Domenico and I. Ferrari (eds.), Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of the Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference 2005, (pp. 500-504). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press/CSP.

Articles in refereed journals

Laméris, T., M. Kubota, T. Kupisch, J. Cabrelli, N. Snape and J. Rothman (2024). Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years: evidence from accent-rating. Second Language Research. Online First.

Snape, N., H. Hosoi and M. Umeda (2023). Second language processing of English definite noun phrases by Spanish speakers and Japanese speakers. Current State of Second Language Studies in Japan. Special Issue of Journal of Second Language Studies, 6(2), 319-347.

Hirakawa, M., M. Umeda, N. Snape and J. Matthews (2023). An investigation of subject-orientation in the processing of Japanese reflexive zibun by native Japanese and Chinese-speaking learners. Current State of Second Language Studies in Japan. Special Issue of Journal of Second Language Studies, 6(2), 348-377.

Snape, N. (2019). The acquisition of articles: The story so far. Special Issue of Second Language, 18, 7-24.

Umeda, M., N. Snape, N. Yusa and J. Wiltshier (2019). The long-term effect of explicit instruction on learners’ knowledge on English articles. Language Teaching Research, Special Issue: Grammatical Meaning and the Second Language Classroom, 23(2), 179-199.

Snape, N. and M. Umeda (2018). Addressing fluctuation in article choice by Japanese learners of L2 English through explicit instruction. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, Special Issue: Second Language Teaching and Generative Linguistics, 2(2), 164-188.

Snape, N. (2018). Definite generic vs. definite unique in L2 acquisition. JESLA, 2(1), 83-95. DOI:

Snape, N. and H. Hosoi. (2018). Acquisition of scalar implicatures: Evidence from adult Japanese L2 learners of English. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8(2), 163-192.

Umeda, M., K. Takeda, M. Hirakawa, M. Fukuda, Y. Hirakawa, J. Matthews and N. Snape (2017). Acquiring antecedents for reflexives when both L1 and L2 permit long-distance binding. JESLA, 1(1), 38-48. DOI:

Snape, N. (2016). Judgments of articles in L2 English by a child returnee: A case study. In K. Horie, T. Suzuki and W. Suzuki, Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 15, 71-95, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, Japan.

Xu, Q., Y. Shi and N. Snape (2016). A study on Chinese students’ acquisition of English articles and interlanguage syntactic impairment. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 39(4): 459-483.

Snape, N., J. Matthews, M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa and H. Hosoi. (2014). Aspect in L2 English: A longitudinal study of four Japanese child returnees. In L. Roberts, I. Vedder and J. H. Hulstijn (eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook, 14: pp. 79-110. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snape, N. (2013). Japanese and Spanish adult learners of English: L2 acquisition of generic reference. In Y. Shirai and K. Horie, Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 12, 70-94, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, Japan. 

Snape, N., M. del P. García Mayo and A. Gürel. (2013). L1 transfer in article selection for generic reference by Spanish, Turkish and Japanese L2 learners. International Journal of English Studies, 13(1): 1-28.

Snape, N. and T. Kupisch. (2010). Ultimate attainment of second language articles: A case-study of an endstate second language Turkish–English speaker. Second Language Research, 26(4): 527-548.

Snape, N. (2008). Resetting the Nominal Mapping Parameter: definite article use and the count – mass distinction in L2 English. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 11(1): 63-79.

Hawkins, R., S. Al-Eid, I. Almahboob, P. Athanasopoulos, R. Chaengchenkit, J. Hu, M. Rezai, C. Jaensch, Y. Jeon, A. Jiang, I. Leung, K. Matsunaga, M. Ortega, G. Sarko, N. Snape and K. Velasco-Zarate. (2006). Accounting for English article interpretation by L2 speakers. In S. H., Foster-Cohen,  M. Medved Krajnovic and J. Mihaljević Djigunović (eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook, 6: pp. 7-25. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Snape, N. (2005). The certain uses of articles in L2-English by Japanese and Spanish speakers. Durham and Newcastle Working Papers in Linguistics. vol. 11, 155-68.

Snape, N. (2005). The use of articles in L2 English by Japanese and Spanish learners. Essex Graduate Student Papers in Language and Linguistics. vol. 7, 1-23.

Conference proceedings papers

Snape, N., M. Umeda, J. Wiltshier and N. Yusa (2016). Teaching the complexities of English article use and choice for generics to L2 learners. In Proceedings of the 13th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2015), ed. D. Stringer, J. Garrett, B. Halloran, and S. Mossman, 208-222. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi and J. Matthews. (2014). L2 English generics: Japanese child returnees incomplete acquisition or attrition? In Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum: SLA in Many Contexts, ed. R. T. Miller, K. I. Martin, C. M. Eddington, A. Henery, N. M. Miguel, A. Tseng, A. Tuninetti and D. Walter. (pp. 155-169). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi and J. Matthews. (2013). The role of genericity in online grammar processing by Japanese adult L2 learners and Japanese child L2 learners of English In Proceedings of the 12th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2013), ed. J. C. Amaro, T. Judy and D. P. Cabo, 193-202. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N., M. del P. Garcia Mayo and A. Gurel. (2009). Spanish, Turkish, Japanese and Chinese L2 learners’ acquisition of generic reference. In Proceedings of the 10th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2009), ed. M. Bowles, T. Ionin, S. Montrul and A. Tremblay, 1-8. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N. (2007). Japanese Speakers’ Article omission in L2 English: Evidence against the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis? In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA), ed. A. Belikova, L. Meroni and M. Umeda, 394-405. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N., Y-k I. Leung and H-C. Ting. (2006). Comparing Chinese, Japanese and Spanish Speakers in L2 English Article Acquisition: Evidence against the Fluctuation Hypothesis? In Proceedings of the 8th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2006), ed. M. Grantham O’Brien, C. Shea, and J. Archibald, 132-139. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Snape, N. (2006). Do L2 learners have problems (re)-setting parameters? Evidence from the nominal domain in English. CamLing 2006 Proceedings, (pp. 205-212).

Snape, N. (2005). Article use in L2 English: Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis (MSIH) or Representational Deficit Hypothesis (RDH)? CamLing 2005 Proceedings, (pp. 159-165).


Snape, N. and N. Aragaki (2023). Brazilian Portuguese heritage speaker competence: Inflected infinitives and role of language input. University of Tokyo Bulletin, 29, 29-41.

Snape, N. (2014). Online and offline judgments of articles in L2 English by Japanese adult L2 learners and child returnees. The 16th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences (JSLS) conference handbook.

Snape, N. (2012). Japanese and Spanish adult learners of English: L2 acquisition of generic reference. The 14th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences (JSLS) conference handbook, 89-92.

Snape, N, (2010). Accounting for patterns of article choice by EFL learners. Gunma Prefectural Women’s University Bulletin, 31, 117-129.

Snape, N. (2003). Pronoun case assignment by children with Specific Language Impairment. Studies in Japanese Language Teaching. vol.10, 49-64.


Online experimental article instruction

L3 acquisition

Invited Talks

  • (2024). L3 Workshop, Tokyo, Japan. The Acquisition of Determiners in L3 German: Teasing apart L1 / L2 Transfer Effects.
  • (2024). Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children - VOTs and GFA. Swansea University, Langauge Research Centre, UK.
  • (2021). Invited workshop: Methodology Workshop on the Testing of Genericity – Organized by the AcqVA group at NTNU.


Roumyana Slabakova (Southampton and NTNU) Welcome and Introduction to the acquisition of Genericity. The advantages of a systemic approach

Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Women’s University) An L2 English learner’s perspective of genericity

Anna Czypionka (Konstanz) and Tanja Kupisch (Konstanz and UiT) How to measure genericity: Felicity ratings, reaction times, and corpus studies

Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga (Cambridge) Experimental investigation of generics across languages and populations

Eleonora Boglioni (Southampton) Comprehension and production of generics: Creating supportive contexts for generic and specific interpretations across languages

Nadine Kolb (UiT) Testing genericity in child L2 acquisition and in adult L1 speakers

Tania Ionin (Illinois) Tigers like meat, and green lamps are relaxing: Considerations in testing genericity via TVJTs and AJTs


  • (2020). Invited workshop: Creating a self-paced reading task with SuperLab, and analyzing the results with Excel and R Studio. Chuo University, Atami, Japan
  • (2019). J-SLA Invited Forum: Effectiveness of explicit instruction in advancing acquisition of implicit language competence


  • John Matthews (Chuo University)
  • Makiko Hirakawa (Chuo University)
  • Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Women's University)

Discussants and Panel coordinators:

  • Shigenori Wakabayashi (Chuo University)
  • Mari Umeda (Gunma Prefectural Women's University)
  • (2019). The acquisition of tense and aspect agreement in L2 English, UNACAR, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico.
  • (2019). Praat workshop. UNACAR, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico.
  • (2019). Tense/aspect-agreement violations in Japanese L2 English, University of York, UK.

Chair: Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Womens University / Chuo University)


  • Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Womens University / Chuo University)
  • Kook-Hee Gil (University of Sheffield)
  • Mutsumi Ogawa (Nihon University)
  • Kazumi Yamada (Kwansei Gakuin University)
  • Shigenori Wakabayashi and Takayuki Kimura (Chuo University)
  • (2018). An intervention study in generic article choice by Japanese L2 learners. Hiroshima University, Japan.
  • (2018). Article choice by Japanese L2 learners: An intervention study. University of Greenwich, UK.
  • (2018). Praat workshop. University of Swansea, UK.
  • (2018). Teaching English article choice to L2 learners. Swansea University, UK.
  • (2017). Heritage language reversal: The production of voice onset time (VOT) and perception of dental fricatives by a Japanese returnee. University of Essex, UK.
  • (2017). Heritage language reversal: The production of articles and voice onset time (VOT) by Japanese returnees. University of Southampton, UK.
  • (2017). Heritage language reversal: The production of voice onset time (VOT) by Japanese returnees. University of Reading, UK.
  • (2016). with Takeda, K, Umeda, M., Hirakawa, M., Fukuda, M., Hirakawa, Y. and Matthews, J. An experimental investigation of a three-way classification of the Japanese reflexive zibun: A preliminary study. University of Hawai'i Manoa.
  • (2014). JSLS Invited Symposium: Limited input in language acquisition: What role does limited input play in the language skills among returnees and language learners?


  • John Matthews (Chuo University)
  • Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Women's University)
  • Makiko Hirakawa (Bunkyo University)


  • Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)


  • (2013). Article use by Japanese L2 learners: Types of problems and possible explanations. Bunkyo University, Japan.
  • (2012). A longtidutinal study of 4 Japanese returnees: Tense and aspect. Workshop at J-SLA summer seminar, Hachioji, Japan.
  • (2012). A longitudinal study of 4 returnees: Genericity. Centre Linguistic Diversity Management in Urban Areas (LiMA), University of Hamburg, Germany.
  • (2012). The interpretation of DPs for generic reference in L2 acquisition by Japanese and Spanish speakers. Centre of Language and Literature (SOL), Lund University, Sweden.
  • (2012). with Hirakawa, M. 日本人英語使用者の時制習得の問題点 (L1 Japanese L2 English learners acquisition of tense). Workshop at Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Sendai, Japan.
  • (2011). Second language acquisition: L2 learners’ interlanguage grammars. Workshop at J-SLA summer seminar, Kyoto, Japan.
  • (2010). 日本人英語学習者の冠詞習得の問題点 (Problems with the acquisition of articles by Japanese learners of English). Workshop at Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Sendai, Japan.
  • (2009). The role of the L1 in L2 article acquisition: What transfers? Brown Bag talk at Stony Brook University, NY, U.S.A.
  • (2008). L2 articles: Acquisition of definiteness, specificity and generics. Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University, China.
  • (2008). Can Japanese, Spanish and Turkish speakers acquire English articles used for generic reference? Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
  • (2008). The acquisition of DP by L2 learners: Types of problems and possible explanations. J-SLA Autumn Seminar, Daito Bunka Meeting Center, Tokyo, Japan.
  • (2007). The Article Choice Parameter and the Fluctuation Hypothesis: The role of L1 transfer. Dept. of Linguistics Colloquium, University of Calgary, Canada.

Selected Presentations

  • EUROSLA 2024, Montpelier, France

Laméris, T., M. Kubota, T. Kupisch, J. Cabrelli, N. Snape and J. Rothman. Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years: evidence from accent rating and acoustic analyses. (oral presentation)

  • ISBPAC 2024, Swansea, UK

N. Snape, H. Zhao and M. Wang. Does explicit instruction lead to implicit processing of L2 English generic NPs? (poster)

  • EUROSLA 2023, Birmingham, UK

N. Snape, H. Zhao and M. Wang. The instructed learning of form-function mappings of L2 English generic NPs (poster)

  • JSLS 2023, Tokyo, Japan

J. Matthews, M. Hirakawa, K. Suzuki, M. Umeda,, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda and N. Snape. Bilingual processing of binding relations in the non-dominant language: The case of Japanese heritage language speakers in Hawaii (oral presentation)

  • JSLS 2023, Tokyo, Japan

N. Snape, H. Zhao and M. Wang. Classroom instruction vs. computer-based instruction on English generic NPs: Which produces a better outcome for L2 learners? (oral presentation)

  • KASLA 2023, Tokyo, Japan

N. Snape, H. Zhao and M. Wang. The instructed learning of form-function mappings of L2 English generic NPs. 113th workshop of the Kanto Second Language Acquisition Group (oral presentation)

  • HLCross2023, Istanbul, Turkey

T. J. Laméris, M. Kubota, T. Kupisch, J. Cabrelli, N. Snape, J. Rothman. Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years: evidence from accent rating (poster)

  • Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

T. J. Lameris, M. Kubota, T. Kupisch, J. Cabrelli and N. Snape. Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years: evidence from accent-rating (oral presentation)

  • EUROSLA 2022, Fribourg, Switerland

M. Umeda, M. Hirakawa, K. Suzuki, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda, J. Matthews and N. Snape. The blocking effect in the interpretation of Chinese reflexives by L1-Japanese learners (poster)

  • EUROSLA 2022, Fribourg, Switerland

M. Takakusagi and N. Snape. Acquisition of Japanese particles wa and ga by heritage speakers (oral presentation)

  • JSLS 2022, Tokyo, Japan (online)

M. Umeda, M. Hirakawa, K. Suzuki, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda, J. Matthews and N. Snape. The blocking effect in the acquisition of Chinese reflexives by L1-Japanese learners (oral presentation)

  • GASLA 2022, Trondheim, Norway (hybrid)

N. Snape, M. Umeda and H. Hosoi. L2 acquisition of count syntax in English by Japanese and Spanish speakers. (poster)

  • GASLA 2022, Trondheim, Norway (hybrid)

M. Umeda, M. Hirakawa, K. Suzuki, M. Fukuda, K. Takeda, J. Matthews and N. Snape. Re-examination of the interpretation of L2 Japanese reflexives by Chinese L1 learners: Empathy, logophoricity, and the blocking effect. (poster)

  • ICTEAP-3 2021, Taipei, Taiwan (online)

M. Hirakawa, J. Matthews, K. Suzuki, M. Umeda, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda and N. Snape. Offline judgment and online processing in interpreting floating numeral quantifiers among native speakers of Japanese (oral presentation)

  • JSLS 2021, Tokyo, Japan (online)

N. Snape, M. Umeda and H. Hosoi. L2 acquisition of the English count-mass distinction by Japanese and Spanish speakers (oral presentation)

  • APRAR 2021, Tokyo, Japan (online)

J. Matthews, M. Hirakawa, K. Suzuki, M. Umeda, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda and N. Snape. Processing the interpretation of long distance and local anaphora with subject and object antecedents in Japanese (oral presentation)

  • J-SLA 2020, Tokyo, Japan (online)

N. Snape, M. Umeda and H. Hosoi. L1 Japanese and L1 Spanish L2 acquisition of English definite determiner phrases (oral presentation)

  • GALA 2019, Milan, Italy

M. Umeda, N. Snape, M. Hirakawa and J. Matthews. An investigation of long-distance bias in real-time processing of Japanese reflexive zibun by native and non-native speakers (oral presentation)

  • GALA 2019, Milan, Italy

N. Snape, M. Hirakawa and J. Matthews. Japanese and Thai L2 acquisition of English tense and aspect agreement (poster)

  • ELSJ 2019, Tokyo, Japan

N. Snape, M. Hirakawa and J. Matthews. Tense/aspect-agreement violations in Japanese L2 English (poster)

  • GASLA 2019, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A

M. Umeda, N. Snape, M. Hirakawa and J. Matthews. Native and non-native processing of Japanese reflexive zibun: An investigation of subject-orientation (oral presentation)

  • Symposium for Lydia White, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

M. Umeda, M. Hirakawa, N. Snape and J. Matthews. Real-time processing of locality and animacy conditions for the Japanese reflexive zibun-zisin by native and non-native speakers (oral presentation)

  • J-SLA 18th 2018 Annual Conference, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan

N. Arakaki and N. Snape. Brazilian Portuguese heritage speaker competence: Inflected infinitives and role of language input (poster)

  • ISBPAC 2018, Braunschweig, Germany

J. Matthews, M. Hirakawa, K. Takeda, M. Umeda, M. Fukuda, N. Snape and K. Suzuki. Establishing antecedent reference for L2 reflexive pronouns among L1 Chinese learners of Japanese: An eye tracking study (poster)

  • EUROSLA 2017, Reading, UK

K. Matsumoto and N. Snape. Sensitivity to non-native contrasts in speech perception by child L2 learners of English (oral presentation)

  • Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language, and Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (MAPLL-TCP) 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Matthews, J., M. Hirakawa, K. Takeda, M. Fukuda, M. Umeda, N. Snape and Y. Hirakawa. Establishing reference with reflexive pronouns in the course of spoken language recognition (oral presentation)

  • Heritage Language Acquisition Workshop 2016, Tromsø, Norway

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi, and J. Matthews. Heritage language reversal: Phonological processing in L2 English by child returnees (oral presentation)

  • PacSLRF 2016, Tokyo, Japan

M. Umeda, N. Snape, J. Wiltshier and N. Yusa. Articles in SLA: Some effects of positive and negative feedback in the L2 classroom (oral presentation)

  • EUROSLA 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland
Snape, N and M. Umeda. Definite generic vs. definite specific: Can Japanese L2 learners distinguish between them? (oral presentation)
  • EUROSLA 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland

Umeda, M., K. Takeda, M. Hirakawa, M. Fukuda, Y. Hirakawa, J. Matthews and N. Snape. Incorporating pragmatic information in the interpretation of L2 Japanese reflexives by Chinese L1 learners (oral presentation)

  • EUROSLA 2015, Aix-en-Provence, France

Snape, N., M. Umeda, J. Wiltshier and N. Yusa. Do SLA findings on meaning translate to the L2 classroom? The case of articles (oral presentation as part of the MiLL Network colloquium entitled Routes into meaning: L2 acquisition and the language classroom)

  • GASLA 2015, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A

Snape, N., M. Umeda, J. Wiltshier and N. Yusa. Teaching the complexities of English article use and choice to L2 learners (oral presentation)

  • SLRF 2013, Annual Conference, Utah, U.S.A

Hirakawa, M., J. Matthews, Y. Hirakawa, N. Snape and H. Hosoi. Cross-linguistic comparison of L1 Influence on the interpretations of tense and aspect in L2 English (oral presentation)

  • JSLS 2013, Annual Conference, Nagasaki, Japan

Hirakawa, Y., M. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi, J. Matthews and N. Snape. 日本語の数量詞遊離文の統語・意味的分析 (A syntactic and semantic analysis of Japanese floating quantifier constructions) (oral presentation)

  • GASLA 2013, Gainesville, U.S.A

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi, and J. Matthews. The processing of generics in English by Japanese adult L2 learners and Japanese child L2 learners (poster)

  • BUCLD 2012, Boston, U.S.A

Matthews, J., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi and N. Snape. A cross-linguistic comparison of native language phonological influence on perceived similarity among second language segmental contrasts (oral presentation)

  • SLRF 2012, Annual Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A

Yusa, N. and N. Snape. Articles in L2 English: Can instruction improve learners’perception of articles? (oral presentation)

  • SLRF 2012, Annual Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi and J. Matthews. Acquisition of L2 English generics by Japanese child returnees and Japanese adult speakers (oral presentation)

  • EUROSLA 2012, Poznań, Poland

Snape, N., M. Hirakawa, Y. Hirakawa, H. Hosoi and J. Matthews. The acquisition of English tense and aspect by 4 Japanese returnees (oral presentation)

  • JSLS 2012 Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan

Japanese and Spanish adult learners of English: L2 acquisition of generic reference (oral presentation)

  • SLRF 2011 Annual Conference, Iowa, U.S.A

Hirakawa, M., Y. Hirakawa, N. Snape, H. Hosoi and J. Matthews. Interpretations of tense and aspect in L2 English by Japanese speakers (oral presentation)

  • AAAL 2011 Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A

Snape, N., N. Yusa and Y. Sakaguchi. Article instruction:  Do empirical findings from L2 research aid L2 learners? (colloquium)

  • Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies 2010, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Snape, N. and H. Hosoi. L1-Japanese L2-English acquisition of scalar implicatures. (poster)

  • YACQ 2010 Workshop on Applied Generative Second Language Acquisition, University of York, York, UK

Language acquisition at the interfaces: Implications for L2 article instruction (oral presentation)

  • J-SLA 10th 2010 Annual Conference, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan

Snape, N. and T. Kupisch. Ultimate attainment of L2 articles: A case-study of an endstate L1 Turkish – L2 English speaker. (oral presentation)

  • AAAL 2010 Annual Conference, Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A

Research on English article acquisition: Implications for ESL/EFL teaching practice. The issue of L1 transfer in article pedagogy. (colloquium)

  • J-SLA 9th 2009 Annual Conference, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan

Snape, N. and H. Hosoi. L1-Japanese L2-English acquisition of scalar implicatures. (poster)

  • GASLA 2009, Illinois, U.S.A

Snape, N., M. P. Garcia Mayo, A. Gurel, D. Barner, A. Libenson and P. Cheung. Spanish, Turkish, Japanese and Chinese L2 acquisition of generic reference. (oral presentation)

  • BUCLD 2008, Boston, U.S.A

Libenson, A., P. Cheung, M. Takasaki and N. Snape. Quantifiers as a window into set representations: Evidence from children learning Japanese and English (poster)

  • EUROSLA 2008, Aix-en-Provence, France

Snape, N., M. P. Garcia Mayo and A. Gurel. Japanese, Spanish and Turkish L2 acquisition of English generic NPs (oral presentation)

  • IASCL 2008, Edinburgh, UK

Snape, N, and T. Kupisch. Articles and clitic pronouns in the acquisition of Italian and Spanish (colloquium)

  • J-SLA 8th 2008 Annual Conference, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto, Japan

Snape, N., A. Gurel, M. P. Garcia Mayo and D. Barner. L2 acquisition of English generic NPs by Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Turkish speakers (oral presentation)

  • PacSLRF 2008, Beijing, China

Fluctuation in L2 article acquisition: Interpreting the findings from L1 Chinese L2 English participants (oral presentation)

  • GURT 2007, Washington D.C, U.S.A

Kupisch, T, N. Snape, U. Bohnacker and M. Anderssen: Crosslinguistic variation in the acquisition of “Germanic” articles (oral presentation)

  • EUROSLA 2006, Antalya, Turkey

Article omission in L2 English: Against the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis? (oral presentation)

  • GALANA 2006, Montreal, Canada

Japanese speakers’ article omission in L2 English: Evidence against the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis? (oral presentation)

  • GASLA 2006, Banff, Canada

Snape, N., Y-k I. Leung and H-C. Ting. Comparing Chinese, Japanese and Spanish speakers in L2 English article acquisition: Evidence against the Fluctuation Hypothesis? (oral presentation)

  • GASLA 2006, Banff, Canada

The syntactic and semantic features of the nominal domain in English: Do Japanese and Spanish L2 learners have full access to UG? (poster)

  • EUROSLA 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hawkins R., S. Al-Eid, I. Almahboob, P. Athanasopoulos, R. Chaengchenkit, J. Hu, M. Rezai, C. Jaensch, Y. Jeon, A. Jiang, I. Leung, K. Matsunaga, M. Ortega, G. Sarko, N. Snape and K. Velasco-Zarate: Non-target-like article use in L2 English – implications for current UG-based theories of SLA (oral presentation given by R. Hawkins)

  • EUROSLA 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Article use in L2 English: Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis (MSIH) or Representational Deficit Hypothesis (RDH)? (poster)

  • GALA 2005, Siena, Italy

L2 acquisition of definiteness and specificity in English by advanced Japanese and Spanish learners (poster)